Pigeons nesting on your solar panels

Solar panels are becoming increasingly popular in the UK, as homeowners seek to reduce their energy bills and support the drive to natural energy sources. According to Money Saving Expert, there are now 1.5 million solar panels on homes across the UK. However, one common problem that can arise with solar panels is pigeon nesting.

Why are pigeons attracted to solar panels?

Solar panels on rooftops provide a warm and safe place for birds.  They will nest under the panels to benefit from the added protection and shelter they provide. 

What happens if pigeons are nesting on your solar panels?
  • Reduced efficiency – When you decide to invest in solar panels, you’ll have an idea of when you can expect to recoup your initial outlay, in the form of energy savings. But if pigeons are nesting under your solar panels, they can block the sunlight. This can significantly reduce the efficiency of the panels so you will not save as much as you expected.  It will then take longer for the panels to pay for themselves in reduced energy costs.
  • Damage to panels – Pigeon droppings can be corrosive and can damage the surface of solar panels and wiring. Over time, this damage can reduce the efficiency of the panels and may even require costly repairs.
  • Blocked drains and gutters – When pigeons build their nests on your roof or under your solar panels, debris from the nest, feathers and their guano can block drains and gutters. Over time, if not cleaned this can damage your guttering and even lead to problems with damp inside your home.
How can I stop pigeons from nesting on my solar panels?

The most effective way to deter pigeons from nesting is to install bird netting, spikes or a solar skirt. Bird netting or solar skirts are placed around the edge of your solar panels to prevent pigeons from accessing the area underneath. Bird spikes are fixed to the edges of the panels to keep the pigeons away.

It’s also important to ensure that there isn’t access to any leftover food around your property.  Keep your rubbish in sealed bags and put it into a bin with a lid.

The best way to protect your solar panels or to remove  birds is to use a professional.  Bird netting must be fitted correctly to ensure that it is effective and won’t hurt or trap the birds.   It’s also dangerous to do anything on your roof without the correct equipment and protection.  Our bird control experts have more than a decade of experience installing bird netting and bird deterrents.  We have a specialist team of IRATA qualified rope access technicians to reach the highest of places.  We will safely remove an infestation, clean the droppings and prevent recurrence in the future.

Can I remove pigeon nests myself?

Under UK law, wild birds such as pigeons and their nests are protected by the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981. This means that it is illegal to intentionally kill, injure, or take wild birds or their eggs.  Only licenced professionals like Protex Pest Control Services are allowed to deal with certain species. 

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