Wasp nests. What you need to know.

Wasp nest season is on its way.  These unwelcome guests can be a concern when they build a nest near or in your home, especially for those with allergies. It is important to know how to handle a wasp nest situation calmly and effectively. Read our guide to wasp nests and learn about the safest course of action for removal.

Where do wasps build nests?

Understanding the wasps preferred nesting sites allows for early detection and can reduce the risk of a wasp colony nesting near your property.

The most common wasp hideouts include:

  • Under eaves and overhangs: These areas, often on the roof of your home or garage offer wasps protection from rain, wind, and direct sunlight, they are ideal nesting places for wasps.
  • Wall cavities: Gaps in brickwork, soffits, or even around pipes can provide wasps with a safe and undisturbed space to build a nest.
  • Lofts: Warm, quiet areas become particularly attractive during colder months, making attics ideal nesting grounds.
  • Porches, decks, and outdoor furniture: Look for nests attached to beams, rafters, or even furniture left outside for extended periods.

What do wasps eat?

As well as seeking out an attractive nesting spot, wasps are attracted by sweet scents and sugary substances.  They especially crave sugary meals towards the end of summer.

Naturally the adult wasp will primarily feed on sugary liquids from flowers, fruits, and even fallen prey.  The larvae will feed on protein sources like insects, spiders, and caterpillars by adult wasps.

But they will also feed on human foods.  Avoid leaving open containers of juice, fizzy drinks or alcoholic beverages in your garden or home.  Meat scraps and protein sources also attract wasps as protein is essential for wasp larvae development.

Ensure your outdoor bins are properly sealed and dispose of food waste promptly. You should also avoid leaving picnic or BBQ leftovers outdoors.

What to do if you find a nest

  • Identify the pest: Not all flying insects are wasps. Wasps are often confused for bees, which must be managed differently. Take a picture from a safe distance for a professional to confirm the type of insect.
  • Assess the risk: If the nest is small and in a low-traffic area, it might be safe to leave it alone. However, if the nest is large, located near an entrance to your property, or a member of your household has an allergy, it’s best to call a professional.
  • Leave it alone: Disturbing a nest will make the wasps feel threatened.  This is when they become aggressive and will sting. Avoid swatting, throwing objects, or using household sprays near the nest.
  • Call a pest control professional: Our team of pest control experts have the proper protective gear, knowledge, and treatments to safely remove the nest.

The dangers of DIY wasp nest removal

While wasp nests can vary in size, trying to remove a large nest yourself is dangerous. Here’s why:

  • Size matters: Wasp nests can grow to surprising sizes. In spring, the queen wasp will start the nest and begin to lay eggs which will be her workers.  At this point it will be about the size of a golf ball. As more worker wasps emerge they will focus on growing the nest. It can now grow quickly, reaching the size of a football or even larger by late summer.  A larger nest can contain hundreds or even thousands of wasps.  At this time it is extremely dangerous to tackle the problem by yourself.
  • Hidden threats: Nests can be located in difficult-to-reach areas making it difficult to apply a treatment safely and effectively.   A Protex Pest Control expert will have the correct treatments and the correct personal protection equipment to do the job safely.
  • Aggressive response: Disturbing a wasp nest, regardless of size, will prompt a defensive response from the wasps. They will sting to protect their colony, and stings can be painful, cause allergic reactions, and be life-threatening in some cases.
  • Ineffective methods: DIY methods like spraying the nest with household insecticides, swatting, or setting fire to the nest are not only dangerous but often ineffective. These methods can anger the wasps and put you, your family or your pets at risk.

Professional wasp nest removal

For safe and effective wasp nest removal, contacting a licensed pest control professional is the best course of action. Here’s what you can expect from Protex Pest Control:

  • Inspection and identification: We will thoroughly inspect your property to locate the nest and identify the wasp species. This allows us to choose the safest course of treatment.
  • Apply the best treatment: We use professional-grade insecticides specifically formulated to target wasps. They are more effective than off-the-shelf options and will ensure the entire wasp colony is eliminated properly.
  • Safe nest removal: Once the wasps are inactive, we will safely remove the nest and dispose of it properly.

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