Do I need to think about bird deterrents during the winter?

During winter, our bird control team and bird deterrent experts can hang up their hats and rest up until summer…….said no pest control company ever!

Feral pigeons don’t migrate.  They can easily survive in the UK during the winter and will continue to breed.    If your property offers a safe nesting space such as a roof or balcony, and enough food (usually human food left lying around) they will be there to stay.

The first step to deterring pigeons

The first step to take to deter pigeons is to remove the food source. Food debris should be cleaned up as often as possible and bins should be sealed.

The best bird deterrents

If you are a business owner or property owner, it is important to install the correct pigeon deterrents.   You do not want to implement any deterrents that could injure the birds.   And you do not want a solution that is ineffective, which means they will return.  

Our team of bird control experts will be able to identify the best solution for your property.  This could include, bird gels, bird pointing, anti perch spikes, bird wire or bird netting.

Learn more about our bird deterrents here.

Cleaning pigeon guano

Where there are pigeons there are pigeon dropppings or guano.  It looks unsightly and can drive customers away from a business.  It can also corrode stonework, brickwork and metals if it’s left untreated.  Most worryingly it can spread nasty pathogens such as ornithosis, listeria and e-coli.  Dry guano can become airborne and lead to respiratory complaints such as psittacosis, and the cryptococcus fungus.

If you have a pigeon infestation, please don’t try to clean the guano yourself.  Our bird control team have the appropriate tools and clothing and will sterilise your property and remove the mess safely.

Stay on the right side of the law

When implementing any form of bird control or bird deterrent, it is essential to stay on the right side of the law.  The Wildlife and Countryside Act of 1981 states it is an offence to kill, injure or take any wild bird and damage or destroy its nest or eggs.  This includes pigeons.  Only those with a licence  (such as Protex Pest Control) are permitted to move a wild bird’s nest when certain conditions are met.

All year round bird deterrent services

The Protex Pest Control team are available all year round to help you solve your pest problems.  Our experienced team are fully insured, BPCA accredited and CEPA certified to EN 16636. We also have a team of IRATA qualified rope access technicians, so however tall your building, we can access the right spots to apply the relevant pigeon deterrent.

For more information or a no obligation assessment of your property:

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